One Woman’s Journey…
2 days ago I had the honor of working with a woman who shared a brief experience that really touched me. With her permission, I wanted to...

Spring Cleaning!
More of Nature is showing herself through the Spring season and energy of the Wood Element. Many people are experiencing major shifts in...

The Spirit of Water…
Here we have the final installment on the power of the Water Element. I’ve talked about the “Will” of Water – the innate force of Nature...

Yin and Yang…
Jennifer Dubowsky L.Ac, a wonderfully experienced practitioner out of Chicago, does a great job of talking about the esoteric concepts of...

Autumn and the Metal Element…
After the harvest, the time of bringing in nourishment and filling our storehouses, Nature continues its decline and starts to let go…...
Exploring Symptoms…
One definition of a symptom is stated as: A change from normal structure, function, or sensation as would be experienced by the patient...