Feels Like the First Time…
This weekend was another zen retreat. In the past, it was fairly common for whomever was leading the retreat to say something to the...

Zen Retreat, Part II
I have an additional practice during each retreat… cooking meditation! I have the honor, along with Paul, of preparing the meals for...

New Beginnings from Deep Connections…
Last Saturday night I was visiting with one of my oldest and dearest friends, Justin (as were our dogs). Justin is the CEO of Marx Foods....
Chew Your Food!
With this time of year being about nourishment, one of the simplest things we can do is CHEW. Many traditions teach the benefits of...
Earth is Sweet…
The energetic taste of Earth is “sweet”. And so the functions of our Spleen/Stomach meridians can be kick-started by eating a bit of...

Receiving the Nourishment All Around Us…
As we are on the cusp of Late Summer (Earth) into Autumn (Metal), there are some really important aspects of Earth to touch on. And this...